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products - nano-cal
*Disclaimer: The services offered on this website are not diagnostic or designed to treat or cure any disease, illness or condition. The programs are based around dietary and nutritional programs designed to support the body’s natural processes. If you have any illness or condition or you are concerned about your health, you should see a health professional.



Nano-Cal is a novel approach to the delivery of nutritional calcium and magnesium that vastly improves the benefits of these two crucial minerals to the body.

The delivery system, which includes mixing Nano-Cal in water immediately before ingestion, creates an ion rich solution, which thoroughly permeates cell membranes. The benefits of this to the body are immense. Apart from delivering usable calcium and magnesium to the cells (See Calcium and Magnesium) the solution is highly alkaline and rich in useable oxygen for the human body.

Alkalinity is one of the key factors in dictating the health of an individual. Modern diets leave us in an over acidic state called acidosis, which impairs many of the body’s key functions, including enzyme action.

Enzyme action is one of the key factors in dictating good health and is controlled by:

  • pH – needs a pH of around 7.4 for optimum function
  • Temperature – our body regulates this for optimum function
  • Activators make the enzymes work – vitamins, minerals and amino acids (need to be there in sufficient quantities)
  • Inhibitors stop the enzymes working– chemicals, toxins etc (need to be removed)

The ions (hydroxyl ions) in the Nano-Cal solution make it highly alkaline, which helps to restore the body’s pH.

Calcium exists in every part of the living body and is involved in many of its primary functions. When the body does not have enough it is removed from the bones and cells into the blood to maintain pH or homeostasis. When this lasts too long bone deterioration can occur (Osteoporosis).

Our diets do not contain enough Calcium and especially ionic calcium, which is required to maintain balance in the body. 70 – 90% of ingested calcium is excreted and never converted and absorbed into the body.

For this reason it’s important to have a supply of ionic calcium to satisfy the body’s needs.

Magnesium is the common factor in over 300 different enzymes and assists in controlling: sugar, protein, fat metabolism, cell structure maintenance, secretion, contraction and nerve function.

It is also required for the transportation of Calcium and the role of these two minerals is critical in maintaining a healthy heart.

The state of our water (even bottled) and processed foods leave us massively depleted of magnesium. It is estimated that in some developed countries up to 95% of the population are deficient.

NanoCal will help the body to work at it’s best, providing natural defence against ill health.

To order Nano-Cal today please call the following number: 0845 456 0570.

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*The services offered on this website are not diagnostic or designed to treat or cure any disease, illness or condition. The programs are based around dietary and nutritional programs designed to support the body’s natural processes. If you have any illness or condition or you are concerned about your health, you should see a health professional.

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