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Prime directive
products - prime directive
*Disclaimer: The services offered on this website are not diagnostic or designed to treat or cure any disease, illness or condition. The programs are based around dietary and nutritional programs designed to support the body’s natural processes. If you have any illness or condition or you are concerned about your health, you should see a health professional.


Prime Directive

Prime Directive is an organic wholefood supplement that uses a unique fermentation process to preserve and retain the goodness of the food.

Each ingredient in Prime Directive is in its wholefood state, not extracts or synthetic vitamins and minerals but just as nature intended.

The process preserves 18 amino acids, crucial building blocks for life and has the added advantage of containing 13 types of friendly bacteria (Lactobacilli) processed from fruit and vegetables.

Scientific studies have shown the benefits of probiotics in boosting immunity, aiding nutrient absorption and maintaining a healthy gut.

From the very young to the very old everyone can use this amazing wholefood product with its myriad of health benefits.

To order your Prime Directive today call: Safe Remedies on 01289 332 888
Please tell them you have been recommended by Bionetics when ordering.

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*The services offered on this website are not diagnostic or designed to treat or cure any disease, illness or condition. The programs are based around dietary and nutritional programs designed to support the body’s natural processes. If you have any illness or condition or you are concerned about your health, you should see a health professional.

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